Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Art in the Kitchen

The kitchen isn't the first place most people think to put art, but as the kitchen is sure to be the heart of your home, why not try something new and add interest, personality and something unexpected by added a gorgeous piece of art to your kitchen walls?!

Art in the kitchen can work with many different styles of decorating - everything from super modern and sleek to ornate and traditional. Of course matching the subject, style and frames to the decor of your kitchen always works, but you can also mix and match styles for something unexpected!

Here are some wonderful examples of art in the kitchen we hope inspire you!

They're amazing aren't they?!

The range at Wallstudio offers some great options that would look just as dramatic and incredible on the walls of your kitchen. The echo reduction option could also help quieten the noise of all those pots and pans, so keep that in mind too!

Do you have art in your kitchen?

[image 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

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